
Interview: Mellie D. Plus Size Fetish Model

I had seen photos of Mellie D* many times before I finally met her. She was easily the most popular plus size model in the UK when I first joined various model/photographer websites at the beginning in my own modelling career. Mellie was a featured model on the same topless pay-per-view websites, we had shot with the same photographers many times and we had spoken online a few times. She was an inspiration to me.

Mellie D

I finally met her in person 7 years ago when she arrived to photograph me for an Australian busty appreciation website. She walked into my house and immediately fell to her knees to fuss all of the dogs (I have a pack of Chihuahuas). We spent the next few hours giggling, eating cake and chatting like we’d known each other for years. Not only did we have modeling in common, but we have very similar music tastes. We soon figured out that we had a few great friends in common as well. A firm friendship formed, and over the years we’ve had more photoshoots, been to music festivals, gigs, Welsh castles and burlesque shows together. At one point Mellie was even in charge of my own pay-per-view website.

Mellie D has had an extensive and varied career. She has been on TV, been featured on international websites, walked catwalks and regularly makes personal appearances at erotic trade shows and comic-cons. She has a massive, extremely loyal, following. She’s been a trailblazer and opened doors for other plus size models, especially within the topless, fetish and adult industries. Without a doubt, I owe some of my own popularity, and achievements as a model, directly to Mellie D.

Q-How did you get into modelling?

I joined an extras agency and one of their clients asked for me to model for them. I initially said no because I wasn’t keen on having my photo taken, but found that I really enjoyed it.

Q-As a plus size model, was your journey into modelling different to other models you know?

Very. A lot of other models couldn’t understand how I got so much work seeing as I was twice their size and also natural. No botox, no implants, no collagen etc… etc… My answer was that I didn’t have a lot of competition as there weren’t many plus size models around.

Q- What drew you to the more adult and fetish sides of the modelling world?

I love latex. The way it feels and looks and hugs my curves coupled with the interesting variety in shoot offers made it the way forward for me.

“If every man wanted a girl that looked like an inflatable Barbie doll, then most women would be lesbians through lack of options.”

Mellie D

Q- When we met, you were a photographer, how did you cross from being in front of, to being behind the camera?

My friend had been booked to photograph me and Kerry Marie* for an Australian company, but then fell ill. Not wanting Kerry to lose out on a day’s wage, or be out of pocket myself, I borrowed his equipment and did the shoot. I then found that I had a skill for shooting busty girls from learning from all the photographers that shot me in the past.

Q- You are possibly most famous for being a Playboy.TV* presenter, how were you received by the audiences as a plus sized model?

Being one of the first and only girls in the niche, I managed to get a massive following of callers that were finally happy to see a “real” girl on the tv. This annoyed many of my colleagues but the numbers speak for themselves and I had a fantastic large and loyal fanbase all of whom hate that I retired from the screens.

Q- Is the adult side of the modelling industry more, or less, accepting of plus-size models?

Surprisingly, very accepting. So many fans love that there is a girl, who likes her pies, willing to share her curves and intimate fantasies with them. Despite what the media says should be considered sexy, what men and women seem to want is, in one word, “real”.

Q- What is your favourite aspect of being a model?

Without a doubt the friends I have made, also being a spokesmodel for the natural, older and down to earth person that people can befriend and relate to. I love that my fans have got to know the real person behind the persona, and I wish more of the girls in the industry would be true to themselves. I think they would be a lot happier within themselves.

“I just think those people are trying to get a reaction and out of stubbornness, I don’t give them one!”

Q- Being a model takes a lot of body confidence, being a plus size model takes even more than usual. How do you remain confident and how do you deal with negativity?

I have been lucky to have had very few negative comments thrown at me. When I have had “you’re too fat to be a model” or “you should get surgery” or “aren’t you too old, you wish you were blah blah blah”, I just think those people are trying to get a reaction and out of stubbornness, I don’t give them one! If every man wanted a girl that looked like an inflatable Barbie doll, then most women would be lesbians through lack of options. Every woman should be able to feel comfortable in their own skin. It’s not easy when publicly trying to convey this message as you make yourself a target for hate, but so many women have told me that I inspire them. No matter how much I have ever been paid for a shoot or tv appearance, nothing can compare to hearing that you have changed a woman’s life.

Q- Being a model has opened many doors for you, but it’s not the only amazing thing you do, can you tell us more about your life outside of modelling?

Since semi-retiring, I have teamed up with a group of amazing women to rescue and re-home spaniels with Spaniel Aid. Getting charity status was the best thing that ever happened to me and it gives me a reason to get up every day. I also enjoy photography, running websites, being in a band and DJ-ing.

You can find Mellie D online –**


Loula Cherry

Fashion and fetish model, Biologist, and Internet Sensation.

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